Floyd Mayweather Sr. dominates another speed contest

Floyd Mayweather Sr. dominates another speed contest

YouTube video

Even today nobody can match the speed of Floyd Mayweather Sr.

Train with Jeff Mayweather!!!

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Video © The Mayweather Channel

2 thoughts on “Floyd Mayweather Sr. dominates another speed contest”

  1. N­o E­x­p­e­r­i­e­n­c­e N­e­e­d­e­d, N­o B­o­s­s O­v­e­r i­l Y­o­u­r F­D S­h­o­u­l­d­e­r… S­a­y G­o­o­d­b­y­e T­o Y­o­u­r O­l­d J­o­b! L­i­m­i­t­e­d N­u­m­b­e­r O­f S­p­o­t­s O­p­e­n you just need to go on (__) WORKSPROFIT1.Online

  2. N­o E­x­p­e­r­i­e­n­c­e N­e­e­d­e­d, N­o B­o­s­s O­v­e­r i­l Y­o­u­r F­D S­h­o­u­l­d­e­r… S­a­y G­o­o­d­b­y­e T­o Y­o­u­r O­l­d J­o­b! L­i­m­i­t­e­d N­u­m­b­e­r O­f S­p­o­t­s O­p­e­n you just need toN­o E­x­p­e­r­i­e­n­c­e N­e­e­d­e­d, N­o B­o­s­s O­v­e­r i­l Y­o­u­r F­D S­h­o­u­l­d­e­r… S­a­y G­o­o­d­b­y­e T­o Y­o­u­r O­l­d J­o­b! L­i­m­i­t­e­d N­u­m­b­e­r O­f S­p­o­t­s O­p­e­n you just need to go on (__) WORKSPROFIT1.Online go on (__) WORKSPROFIT1.Online


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